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You can put anything in an observable: primitives, deeply nested objects, arrays, functions, etc… Observables work just like normal objects so you can interact with them without any extra complication. Just call get() to get a value and set(...) to modify it.

Observables do not modify the underlying data all. They use Proxy to expose observable functions and track changes, so an observable is a Proxy pointing to the actual data.

import { observable } from "@legendapp/state"
// Create observable objects as large and deep as you want. They can include computed functions
// and action functions.
const state$ = observable({
fname: 'Annyong',
lname: 'Bluth',
// Computeds
name: () => state$.fname.get() + ' ' + state$.lname.get(),
// Actions
setName: (name: string) => {
const [fname, lname] = name.split(' ');
state$.assign({ fname, lname })
// Or create small individual atoms if you prefer
const fname$ = observable('Annyong')
const lname$ = observable('Bluth')

Observable methods


You can use get() to get the actual value of any observable.

const profile = { name: "Test user" }
const state$ = observable({ profile, test: 0 })
// get the underlying value from the observable
const name = state$

Accessing properties through the observable will create a Proxy for every property accessed, but it will not do that while accessing the raw data. So you may want to retrieve the raw data before doing expensive computations that do not need to notify.

const state$ = observable({ data: someHugeThing })
const { data } = state$.get()
// Nothing special happens when working with the raw data

Calling get() within a tracking context tracks the observable automatically. You can change that behavior with a parameter true to track only when keys are added/removed. See observing contexts for more details.

state$.get(true) // Create a shallow listener


peek() returns the raw value in the same way as get(), but it does not automatically track it. Use this when you don’t want the component/observing context to update when the value changes.

const state$ = observable({ name: 'Test user' })
// get the underlying value from the observable
const name = state$.name.peek()


You can use set() to modify the observable, at any path within it. You can even set() on a node that is currently undefined, and it will fill in the object tree to make it work.

const state$ = observable({ text: "hi" })
// Set directly
state$.text.set("hello there")
// Set with a function relative to previous value
state$.text.set((prev) => prev + " there")
// Set will automatically fill out objects that were undefined

Note that set sets the given value into the raw data without modifying it. Legend-State does deep equality checking to notify of changes to each property, so setting with a clone of an object will not notify of any changes because all properties are the same.


Assign is a shallow operation matching Object.assign to set multiple properties at once. If you want a deep merge, see mergeIntoObservable. These batch all individual set operations so that observers only update once.

const state$ = observable({ text: "hi", text2: "there" })
// Assign
text: "hi!" ,
text2: "there!"


Observables provide a delete function to delete a key from an object.

const state$ = observable({ text: "hi" })
// Delete text
// Set the whole value to undefined

delete works on array elements as well, removing the element from the array.

const state$ = observable([ 'apple', 'orange' ])
// Delete from the array
// state === ['orange']

Computed Observables


Observables can have functions anywhere within them. You can use these for whatever you want, such as adding extra behavior when setting.

const state$ = observable({
isReady: false,
toggle: () => {
console.log('set to', state$.isReady.get())

Note that observing contexts track all observable get() calls, including within any called functions. So if a function called from within an observer calls get() that will be tracked too.

const state$ = observable({
fname: 'Annyong',
lname: 'Bluth',
fullName: () => state$.fname.get() + ' ' + state$.lname.get()
const Name = observer(function Name() {
// Tracks [state$.fname, state$.lname]
const name = state$.fullName()
return <div>{name}</div>

Computed Functions

Any function in an observable can be used a computed observable, whether at the root or in any child. Computed functions are lazy: a function is turned into an observable when you first call get() or peek() on it. It will then re-compute itself whenever the observables it accesses with get() are changed.

const state$ = observable({
fname: 'Annyong',
lname: 'Bluth',
// A child is computed
fullName: () => state$.fname.get() + ' ' + state$.lname.get()
// An observable with a function is a computed
const name$ = observable(() => state$.fname.get() + ' ' + state$.lname.get())
// Calling it like a function returns the value and computes when called.
const fullName = state$.fullName()
// Calling .get() activates it as a computed observable that recomputes itself on changes
const reactiveFullName = state$.fullName.get()

The difference between using it as a function vs. as a computed observable is that a computed observable is an object that caches the value.

  • fullName() is a function that re-computes whenever you call it.
  • fullName.get() creates a computed observable that re-computes itself whenever its dependencies change.

Async Observables

Creating an observable with a Promise or async function will initialize it to undefined, and it will be updated with the value of the Promise when it resolves.

const serverState$ = observable(() => fetch('url').then(res => res.json()))
observe(() => {
// Getting the value activates the observable to fetch, and it
// updates its value when it resolves.
const data = serverState$.get()
if (data) {

Asynchronous observables can be paired with when to activate the function and resolve when the observable’s Promise is resolved.

// Await the promise to resolve and then get the data from it
const data = await when(serverState$)

You can access the status of an async observable with the syncState helper, which is an observable itself. The most common usage is to check its loaded or error states:

const status$ = syncState(serverState$)
observe(() => {
// This will re-run as the status changes
const { isLoaded, error } = status$.get()
if (error) {
// Handle error
} else if (isLoaded) {
// Do the thing

Linked observables

Two-Way Linked

linked creates an observable bound to both get and set functions. This lets you bind or transform a single or multiple other observable values. For example it could be used to create a “Select All” checkbox.

import { linked, observable } from "@legendapp/state"
const selected$ = observable([false, false, false])
const selectedAll$ = observable(linked({
// selectedAll is true when every element is selected
get: () => selected$.every((val$) => val$.get()),
// setting selectedAll sets the value of every element
set: (value) => selected$.forEach((val$) => val$.set(value))
// selected.get() === [true, true, true]

Or it could be used to automatically deserialize/serialize a string value.

const str$ = observable('[1,2,3]')
const arr$ = observable(linked({
get: () => JSON.parse(arr$.get())
set: (value) => arr$.set(JSON.stringify(value))

Initial value

When creating an asynchronous observable with a Promise you may want it to have an initial default value until the promise resolves. You can use the initial property of linked to do that.

import { linked } from "@legendapp/state"
const state$ = observable(linked({
get: () => fetch('url').then(res => res.json()),
initial: { numUsers: 0, messages: [] }

Advanced Computeds

If you return an observable from a computed function, it will create a two-way link to the target observable. Interaction with the linked observable will then pass through to the target.

Observing contexts tracking the linking observable will re-run both when the linked observable’s value changes and when the link itself changes.

In this example, the observable that selectedItem points to is changed by setting selectedIndex. And because it’s a direct link to the target observable, set operations will pass through to the target observable.

const state$ = observable({
items: ["hi", "there", "hello"],
selectedIndex: 0,
selectedItem: () => state$.items[state$.selectedIndex.get()],
observe(() => {
console.log('observe:' + state$.selectedItem.get())
// observe: 'hi'
// observe: 'hello'
// observe: 'HELLO!'
// items = ["hi", "there", "HELLO!"]

This could also be used to transform objects to another shape while still linking to the original value. So for example you could filter the values of an object into an array, with each element in the array pointing to the original observable.

const state$ = observable({
items: {
id1: { id: 'id1', status: 'ready' },
id2: { id: 'id2', status: 'disabled' }
itemsReady: () => Object.values(state$.items)
.filter(item => item.status.get() === 'ready')
observe(() => {
console.log('observe:' + state$.itemsReady.get())
// observe: [{ id: 'id1', status: 'ready' }]
// modifying the target object recomputes the computed array
// observe: [{ id: 'id1', status: 'ready' }, { id: 'id2', status: 'ready' }]
// set on the computed array goes into the target object
// observe: [{ id: 'id2', status: 'ready' }]

Lookup table

A function with a single string key can be used as a lookup table (an object with a string key). Accessing it by index will call the function to create a computed observable by that key.

const state$ = observable({
selector: 'text',
items: {
test1: { text: 'hi', othertext: 'bye' },
test2: { text: 'hello', othertext: 'goodbye' }
// Return a link to the [selector] property in the given item
texts: (key: string) => {
return state$.items[key][state$.selector.get()]
// Now these reference the same thing:
// And setting a text goes through to the linked observable
state$.items.test1.text.get() // 'hello'


event works like an observable without a value. You can listen for changes as usual, and dispatch it manually whenever you want. This can be useful for simple events with no value, like onClosed.

import { event } from "@legendapp/state"
const onClosed$ = event()
// Simply pass a callback to the `onChange` function
onClosed$.onChange(() => { ... })
// Or use 'on' which is an alias of `onChange`
onClosed$.on(() => { ... })
// Dispatch the event to call listeners



Modifying an observable can have a large effect such as re-rendering or syncing with a database, so it uses a purposeful set rather than simple assignments. This prevents potentially catastrophic mistakes and looks visually different than a variable assignment so that it is clear what is happening.

const state$ = observable({ text: "hello", num: 10, obj: {} })
state$.text = "hi"
// ❌ Can't set directly
// ✅ Calling set on a primitive works.
state$ = {}
// ❌ Error. This would delete the observable.
state$.obj = {}
// ❌ Error. Cannot assign to objects directly.
state$.set({ text: "hi", num: 20 })
// ✅ Calling set on an object works.
state$.assign({ text: "hello there" })
// ✅ Calling assign on an object works.
state$.text.assign({ value: "hello there" })
// ❌ Error. Cannot call assign on a primitive.

If you really want to assign directly to observables, there is an extension to add $ as a property you can get/set. See configuration for details.

import { enable$get } from "@legendapp/state/config/enable$get"
// Now you can use $ as a shorthand for get()
const testValue = state$.test.$
// Assign to $ as a shorthand for set()
state$.test.$ = "hello"
// Assign objects too just like you can with set()
state$.$ = { test: "hello" }


Because observables track nodes by path and not the underlying data, an observable points to a path within an object regardless of its actual value. So it is perfectly fine to access observables when they are currently undefined in the object.

You could to do this to set up a listener to a field whenever it becomes available.

const state$ = observable({ user: undefined })
when(state$.user.uid, (uid) => {
// Handle login

Or you could set a value inside an undefined object, and it will fill out the object tree to make it work.

const state$ = observable({ user: undefined })
observe(() => {
// This will be undefined until the full user profile is set
console.log(`Name: ${state$}`)
// state$ == { user: { profile: { name: 'Annyong' } } }


Observable arrays have all of the normal array functions as you’d expect, but some are modified for observables.

All looping functions set up shallow tracking automatically, as well as provide the observable in the callback. This includes:

  • every
  • filter
  • find
  • findIndex
  • forEach
  • includes
  • join
  • map
  • some

Additionally, filter returns an array of observables and find returns an observable (or undefined).

If you don’t want this extra observable behavior, get() or peek() the observable to get the raw array to act on.

Observables are mutable

Legend-State does not use immutability because immutability is slow. It needs to do deep equality checking of changes to know which nodes to notify anyway, so immutability just isn’t needed. So there are two things to be careful of.

1. Modifying raw data breaks notifying of changes.

Observables are just wrappers around the underlying data, so if you modify the raw data you’re actually modifying the observable data without notifying of changes. Then if you set it back onto the observable, that just sets it to itself so nothing happens.

// ❌ This sets it to itself, nothing happens
const value = state$.get()
value.key = 'newValue'
// ✅ Set the value directly in the observable
// ✅ Assign the key/value to the observable
state$.assign({ key: 'newValue' })

2. Don’t need to clone

A common pattern in React is to set state with a clone of the previous value, which is required because of immutability constraints in React. Legend-State does not have that constraint and cloning is bad for performance, so it’s better to do operations directly on the observables.

// ❌ Setting with a cloned object creates a new object unnecessarily
const record = record$.get()
const newRecord = { ...record, key: 'value' }
// ✅ Set the key directly in the observable
// ❌ Setting with a cloned array creates a new array unnecessarily
const list = list$.get()
const newList = [ ...list, 'value' ]
// ✅ Just push it
// ❌ Delete by clone and destructure creates a new object unnecessarily
const record = record$.get()
const { key, } = record
// ✅ Delete the key directly in the observable
// ❌ Setting a filtered array creates a new array unnecessarily
const list = list$.get()
const newList = list.filter((item) => != itemId)
// ✅ Delete it from the array directly
const list = list$.get()
const idx = list.findIndex((item) => === itemId)