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Persist and Sync

A primary goal of Legend-State is to make automatic persisting and syncing both easy and very robust, as it’s meant to be used to power all storage and sync of complex apps - it was built as the backbone of both Legend and Bravely. It’s designed to support local first apps: any changes made while offline are persisted between sessions to be retried whenever connected. To do this, the sync system subscribes to changes on an observable, then on change goes through a multi-step flow to ensure that changes are persisted and synced.

  1. Save the pending changes to local persistence
  2. Save the changes to local persistence
  3. Save the changes to remote persistence
  4. On remote save, set any needed changes (like updatedAt) back into the observable and local persistence
  5. Clear the pending changes in local persistence


The sync features are designed to be used through a plugin for your backend of choice. The plugins are all built on top of synced and are configurable with their own options as well as general sync and persist options.

Database plugins

  • Keel: Powerful schema-driven SQL backend we use in Bravely
  • Supabase: Popular PostgreSQL backend
  • Firebase RTDB: Documentation under construction

These are built on top of the CRUD plugin.


  • CRUD: Supports any backend with list, get, create, update, delete actions
  • Fetch: A wrapper around fetch to reduce boilerplate
  • TanStack Query: Query updates observables rather than re-rendering


We’ll start with an example to give you an idea of how Legend-State’s sync works. Because sync and persistence are defined in the observables, your app and UI just needs to work with observables. That immediately updates the UI optimistically, persists changes, and syncs to your database with eventual consistency.

This example binds inputs directly to the remote data and shows you when the changes save. Try going offline and making some changes, then refresh and the changes are still there. Then go back online and watch the saved time update. You may want to open the Network panel of the dev tools to see it in action.

This is a live playground so you can experiment with the different options.

import { observable } from "@legendapp/state"
import { observer } from "@legendapp/state/react"
import { configureSynced } from "@legendapp/state/sync"
import { syncedFetch } from "@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/fetch";
import { ObservablePersistMMKV } from

// Setup global sync and persist configuration. These can be overriden
// per observable.
const mySyncedFetch = configureSynced(syncedFetch, {
    persist: {
        plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV,
        retrySync: true // Persist pending changes and retry
    retry: {
        infinite: true // Retry changes with exponential backoff

// Create a synced observable
const profile$ = observable(mySyncedFetch({
    get: '',
    set: '',
    setInit: { method: 'PUT' },

    // Transform server data to local format
    transform: {
        load: (value, method) => method === 'get' ? : value

    // Update observable with updatedAt time from server
    onSaved: (result) => ({ updatedAt: new Date(result.updatedAt) }),

    // Persist in local storage
    persist: {
        name: 'persistSyncExample',

    // Don't want to overwrite updatedAt
    mode: 'assign'

const App = observer(function App() {
    const updatedAt = profile$.updatedAt.get();
    const saved = updatedAt ? new Date(updatedAt).toLocaleString() : 'Never'


    return (
            <Reactive.TextInput $value={profile$.first_name} />
            <Reactive.TextInput $value={profile$.last_name} />
                Saved: {saved}
Live Editing


This page will show how you use the core synced. The plugins are built on top of synced so everything on this page applies to the plugins as well.

Which Platform?

Select React or React Native to customize this guide for your platform.

Persist data locally

Legend-State has a persistence system built in, with plugins for web and React Native. When you initialize the persistence it immediately loads and merges the changes on top of the initial value. Then any changes you make after initialization will be saved to persistence.

You can sync/persist a whole observable or any child, and there are two ways to persist observables: synced in the observable constructor or syncObservable later.

In this first example we create an observable with initial data and then use syncObservable to persist it.

import { observable } from "@legendapp/state"
import { syncObservable } from "@legendapp/state/sync"
import { ObservablePersistMMKV } from "@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/mmkv"
// Create an observable
const store$ = observable({
todos: [],
// Persist the observable to the named key of the global persist plugin
syncObservable(store$, {
persist: {
name: 'persistKey',
plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV
// Any changes made after syncObservable will be persisted
store$.todos.push({ id: 0 })

Alternatively we can setup the persistence in the constructor with synced. This does exactly the same thing as above.

import { observable } from "@legendapp/state"
import { synced } from "@legendapp/state/sync"
// Create an observable with "todos" persisted
const store$ = observable(
initial: [],
persist: {
name: 'persistKey',
// Any changes will be persisted
store$.todos.push({ id: 0 })

Async persistence

Some persistences like IndexedDB and AsyncStorage are asynchronous, so you’ll need to wait for it to load before you start reading from it. syncState returns an observable with load statuses that you can wait for.

import { syncState } from "@legendapp/state"
import { syncObservable } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
syncObservable(state$, {
persist: {
name: 'store'
const status$ = syncState(state$)
await when(status$.isPersistLoaded)
// Proceed with load

Sync with a server

Legend-State makes syncing remote data very easy, while being very powerful under the hood. You can setup your sync system directly in the observable itself, so that your application code only interacts with observables, and the observables handle the sync for you.

This is a great way to isolate your syncing code in one place away from your UI, and then your UI code justs gets/sets observables.

Like with persistence you can use either syncObservable or synced but we’ll just focus on synced for this example.

import { observable, observe } from "@legendapp/state"
import { syncedFetch } from "@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/fetch"
// Create an observable with "users" synced
const store$ = observable({
users: syncedFetch({
initial: [],
// When the fetch resolves it will update the observable
get: '',
// When the observable is changed it will send the changes back to the server.
set: ''
observe(() => {
// The first get() activates the synced get function to fetch the data
// observe is re-run when the data comes in
const users = store$.users.get()
if (users) {
// Any changes will be saved
store$.users.push({ id: 0, name: 'name' })

Sync with paging

get() is an observing context, so if you get an observable’s value it will re-run if it changes. We can use that to created a paging query by setting the query mode to “append” (or “assign” if it’s an object) to append new pages into the observable array.

import { observable, observe } from "@legendapp/state"
import { syncedFetch } from "@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/fetch"
// Create an observable with "users" synced
const store$ = observable({
usersPage: 1,
users: syncedFetch({
get: () => `${store$.usersPage.get()}`,
mode: 'append'
// Activate the synced to get the first page
// gets from
// Get the next page
store$.usersPage.set(page => page + 1)
// gets from

Local first robust real-time sync

The crud based plugins can be used to enable a robust offline-first sync system by setting a few options. These options will:

  • Persist all data locally so the app can work offline
  • Continually retry saves so that failure is not an option
  • Persist saves locally so that they retry even after refresh
  • Sync in realtime
import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { syncedCrud } from '@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/crud'
import { ObservablePersistLocalStorage } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/local-storage'
const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
list: () => {/*...*/},
create: () => {/*...*/},
update: () => {/*...*/},
// Enable realtime. Some plugins have this built in so it's not required.
subscribe: ({ refresh, update }) => {
return realtime.subscribe({ /*...*/ }, () => {
// Trigger a refresh of the list function
// Local first configuration
persist: {
plugin: ObservablePersistLocalStorage, // Set the persistence plugin
name: 'profile', // Set the name of this object in persistence
retrySync: true, // Persist pending changes to retry
retry: {
infinite: true, // Keep retrying until it saves
changesSince: 'last-sync', // Sync only diffs
fieldUpdatedAt: 'updatedAt' // Required for syncing only diffs



Sync plugins have a lot of options so you’ll likely want to set some defaults. You can do that with the configureSynced function to create a customized version of a plugin with your defaults, to reduce duplication and enforce consistency. You will most likely want to at least set a default persistence plugin.

import { configureSynced, syncedCrud } from "@legendapp/state/sync"
import { ObservablePersistLocalStorage } from "@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/local-storage"
// Configure the base `synced`
const syncPlugin = configureSynced({
persist: {
plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV
// Or configure options derived from another plugin
const syncPlugin = configureSynced(syncedCrud, {
persist: {
plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV
// Then using them will merge the options on top of the defaults.
const state$ = observable(syncPlugin({
persist: {
name: 'test',


The easiest way to create a synced observable is to use synced when creating an observable to bind it to remote data and/or persist it locally. To simply set up persistence, just create get and set functions along with a persist option.

synced creates a lazy computed function which will not activate until you get() it. So you can set up your observables’ sync/persist options and they will only activate on demand.

import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { synced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const state$ = observable(synced({
get: () =>
fetch('').then((res) => res.json()),
set: ({ value }) =>
fetch('', { method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(value) }),
persist: {
name: 'test',

Or a more advanced example with many of the possible options:

import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { synced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { ObservablePersistMMKV } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/mmkv'
const state$ = observable(synced({
get: () => {
// get is an observing function which will re-run whenever any accessed observables
// change. You can use that for paging getting data for a specific user.
return fetch('' + page.get())
.then((res) => res.json())
set: ({ value }) => {
// set is run when the observable changes, debounced by the debounceSet option
fetch('', { method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(value) })
persist: {
// The name to be saved in the local persistence
name: 'test',
// Set the plugin to override the global setting
plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV,
// persist pending changes to be retried after the app restarts
retrySync: true,
options: {
// Customize the persist plugin options
// The initial value before the remote data loads or if it doesn't exist.
initial: {
numUsers: 0,
messages: []
// How to update the initial value when the remote data comes in.
// defaults to "set"
mode: 'set' | 'assign' | 'merge' | 'append' | 'prepend',
// The subscribe function is called once to give you an opportunity to
// subscribe to another service to trigger refresh
subscribe: ({ refresh, update }) => {
const unsubscribe = pusher.subscribe({ /*...*/ }, (data) => {
// Either update with the received data
// Or trigger a refresh of the get function
// return unsubscribe function
return unsubscribe
// Options for retrying in case of error. Applies to both get and set.
retry: {
infinite: true,
backoff: 'exponential',
maxDelay: 30
// A time to debounce changes before sending them to the server. Use this to
// batch multiple changes together or preventing saving every keystroke.
debounceSet: 500,


If you prefer to set up sync/persistence after the observable is already created, you can use syncObservable with the same options as synced. It’s effectively the same as using synced with an initial value. You can also pass any of the plugins as the second option.

import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { syncObservable } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const state$ = observable({ initialKey: 'initialValue' })
syncObservable(state$, {
get: () =>
fetch('').then((res) => res.json()),
set: ({ value }) =>
fetch('', { method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(value) }),
persist: {
name: 'test'

You can also use any sync plugin with syncObservable.

import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { syncObservable } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { syncedFetch } from "@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/fetch"
const users$ = observable([])
syncObservable(users$, syncedFetch({
// When the fetch resolves it will update the observable
get: '',
// When the observable is changed it will send the changes back to the server.
set: ''


Each synced observable has a syncState observable that you can get to check its status or do some actions.

import { observable, syncState } from '@legendapp/state'
import { synced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const obs$ = observable(synced({ /*...*/ }))
const state$ = syncState(obs$)
const error = state$.error.get()
const isLoaded = state$.isLoaded.get()
if (error) {
// Handle error
} else if (!isLoaded) {
// Do something while loading
} else {
// Good to go
const value = obs$.get()

The isLoaded and error properties are accessible when using syncState on any asynchronous Observable, but the others are created when using synced.

  • isPersistLoaded: boolean: Whether it has loaded from the local persistence
  • isPersistEnabled: boolean: Enable/disable the local persistence
  • isLoaded: boolean: Whether the get function has returned
  • isSyncEnabled: boolean: Enable/disable remote sync
  • lastSync: number: Timestamp of the latest sync
  • syncCount: number: Number of times it’s synced
  • clearPersist: () => Promise<void>: Clear the local persistence
  • sync: () => Promise<void>: Re-run the get function
  • getPendingChanges: () => Record<string, object>: Get all unsaved changed
  • error: Error: The latest error

useObservable + synced

Create a synced observable within a React component using useObservable.

import { synced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { useObservable } from '@legendapp/state/react'
function Component() {
const user$ = useObservable(synced({
get: fetch('').then((res) => res.json()),
persist: {
name: 'test'

Transform data

It’s very common to need to transform data into and out of your persistence or remote server. There is an option on synced to transform the remote data and an option within the persist option to transform to/from persistence.

Legend-State includes helpers for easily stringifying data or you can create your own custom transformers.

  • transformStringifyKeys: JSON stringify/parse the data at the given keys, for when your backend stores objects as strings
  • transformStringifyDates: Transform dates to ISO string, with either the given keys or automatically scanning the object for dates
  • combineTransforms: Combine multiple transforms together

This can be used in many ways. Some examples:

  1. Migrate between versions: If the local data has legacy values in it, you can can transform it to the latest format. This can be done by either keeping a version number or just checking for specific fields. This example migrates old persisted data by checking the version and old field name.
const state$ = observable(synced({
get: () => {/* ... */},
persist: {
name: 'state',
transform: {
load: (value) => {
if (value.version === 2) {
if (value.currentPeriodStart) {
value.periodStart = new Date(value.currentPeriodStart * 1000)
delete value.currentPeriodStart
return value
  1. Transform to backend format: If you want to interact with data in a different format than your backend stores it, it can be automatically transformed between the observable and the sync functions. This could be used for stringifying or parsing dates for example. In this example we combine the transformStringifyDates and transformStringifyKeys helpers with a custom transformer.
import { combineTransforms, transformStringifyDates } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const state$ = observable(synced({
get: () => {/* ... */},
transform: combineTransforms(
transformStringifyKeys('jsonData', 'messagesArr'),
load: async (value) => {
value.localBool = value.serverOption !== 'no'
delete value.serverOption
return value
save: async (value) => {
value.serverOption = value.localBool ? 'yes' : 'no'
delete value.localBool
return value
  1. Encrypt: For end-to-end encryption you can encrypt/decrypt in the transformer so that you interact with unencrypted data locally and it’s encrypted before going into your update functions
import { combineTransforms, transformStringifyDates } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const state$ = observable(synced({
get: () => {/* ... */},
transform: {
load: async (value) => {
return decrypt(value)
save: async (value) => {
return encrypt(value)

Persist plugins

First choose and configure the storage plugin for your platform.

Local Storage (React)

import { ObservablePersistLocalStorage } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/local-storage'
syncObservable(state$, {
persist: {
name: "documents",
plugin: ObservablePersistLocalStorage

IndexedDB (React)

The IndexedDB plugin can be used in two ways:

  1. Persisting a dictionary where each value has an id field, and each value will create a row in the table
  2. Persisting multiple observables to their own rows in the table with the itemID option

It requires some extra configuration for the database name, the table names, and the version.

IndexedDB requires changing the version whenever the tables change, so you can start with version 1 and increment the version whenever you add/change tables.

import { configureSynced, syncObservable } from "@legendapp/state/sync"
import { observablePersistIndexedDB } from "@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/indexeddb"
// Create default persist options
const persistOptions = configureSynced({
persist: {
plugin: observablePersistIndexedDB({
indexedDB: {
databaseName: "Legend",
version: 1,
tableNames: ["documents", "store"]
// Mode 1: Persist a dictionary
const state$ = observable({
obj1: { id: "obj1", text: "..." },
obj2: { id: "obj2", text: "..." },
syncObservable(state$, persistOptions({
persist: {
name: "documents" // IndexedDB table name
// Mode 2: Persist an object with itemId
const settings$ = observable({ theme: "light" })
syncObservable(settings$, persistOptions({
persist: {
name: "store", // IndexedDB table name
indexedDB: {
itemID: "settings"

Because IndexedDB is an asynchronous API, observables will not load from persistence immediately, so if you’re persisting a large amount of data you may want to show a loading state while persistence is loading.

const syncState$ = syncState(state$)
await when(syncState$.isPersistLoaded)
// Continue with load


First install react-native-mmkv:

Then configure it as the persist plugin.

import { syncObservable } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { ObservablePersistMMKV } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/mmkv'
syncObservable(state$, {
persist: {
name: "documents",
plugin: ObservablePersistMMKV

AsyncStorage (RN)

Older versions of React Native have AsyncStorage built in, but newer versions may need it installed separately. Check the React Native docs for the latest guidance on that.

The AsyncStorage plugin needs an additional bit of global configuration, giving it the instance of AsyncStorage.

import { configureSynced, syncObservable } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { observablePersistAsyncStorage } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/async-storage'
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
// Global configuration
const persistOptions = configureSynced({
persist: {
plugin: observablePersistAsyncStorage({
syncObservable(state$, persistOptions({
persist: {
name: 'store'

Because AsyncStorage is an asynchronous API, observables will not load from persistence immediately, so if you’re persisting a large amount of data you may want to show a loading state while persistence is loading.

const syncState$ = syncState(state$)
await when(syncState$.isPersistLoaded)
// Continue with load

Making a sync plugin

Once you’re syncing multiple observables in the same way you’ll likely want to create a plugin that encapsulates the specifics of your backend. The plugin just needs to return a synced. If your backend is CRUD based (it has create, read, update, delete functions) then you may want to build on top of syncedCrud which encapsulates a lot of logic for those specifics for you.

It may be easiest to look at the source of the built-in sync plugins to see what they look like.

This is a simple contrived example to show what that could look like.

import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { synced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
const isAuthed$ = observable(false);
// Create a custom synced that just needs a name in your API
const customSynced = ({ name }) => {
const basePath = 'https://url/api/v1/'
const doFetch = (path) => {
return fetch(basePath + path).then((res) => res.json())
return synced({
get: () => doFetch(`list-${name}s`),
set: ({ value }) => {
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return doFetch('delete-' + name)
} else {
return doFetch('upsert-' + name)
retry: { infinite: true },
persist: {
waitFor: isAuthed$,
subscribe: ({ refresh }) => {
// Subscribe to realtime service
const store$ = observable({
users: customSynced('user')